Author Archives: parul

Unleash the Power of Artificial Intelligence for Business Productivity


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our lives that solves complex business challenges with effective decision-making capabilities. Businesses are enabling AI automation to analyze relevant business insights to formulate predictions for strategic decision-making. 


What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence enhances business efficiency through routine tasks, business workflow automation, and personalized customer experiences with improved quality business solutions. 

AI-enabled business solutions have the capability for enormous transformation in diverse industries. From extensive data management to improving productivity using IoT and cloud integration, AI adoption makes a big difference to enhance your business performance.

Are artificial intelligence and machine learning the same?


Artificial intelligence and machine learning are closely associated, however, they are not the same. Artificial intelligence is a subfield of machine learning that has self-learning algorithms to understand, identify and provide accurate responses. Machine learning enables learning patterns utilizing the existing data in order to make accurate decisions. 

Some of the benefits of artificial intelligence in automation are:

  1. Increased efficiency
  2. Improved business productivity 
  3. Smart decision making 
  4. Personalization 

How is artificial intelligence used as a business solution?

Artificial intelligence has been transforming and streamlining business workflows with personalized marketing and time-saving advanced marketing tools.


Enhanced Customer Experience: Analyzing your target customer business patterns enables personalized experience and recommends products or services based on users’ preferences.


Improve Operational Efficiency: Analyze your KPIs to  Identify the pain points and implement effective business solutions with well-defined automation strategies. 


 AI-enabled Quality control: Identify potential threats to improve speed and accuracy with deep advanced learning capabilities. 



Various industries such as E-commerce, Healthcare, and manufacturing are enabling AI-driven business solutions to boost their business productivity. This is just the beginning of the AI revolution in every business sector. Hence, AI automation will continue to play a big role and perform effective business solutions. 

The IoT: Changing Lives, Transforming Work

Imagine a life without smart appliances, advanced security systems, innovative healthcare monitoring systems, or medical prototyping. Awful right? This is how (IoT) the Internet of Things has fundamentally changed and impacted our lives with rapid transformation and incorporation of the latest automation technology advancements.  


What is the Internet of Things (IoT)? How it works 

Internet of Things technology is a network of interconnected devices embedded with sensors, microcontrollers, microprocessors, software, and other technologies that connect and exchange data with other devices and systems across IoT connectivity platforms such as WiFi, Bluetooth, and the Internet. 

This digitally monitored world works on cellular IoT technology within your existing IoT network where the sensors collect data and once the data gets to the cloud, it is shared via the cloud then the software analyzes it and sends the data to act. 


What is the main purpose of IoT ? and How has it transformed the way we live and work?

  • Optimizing Business

IoT technology improves efficiency and productivity by analyzing real-time data and reporting quickly. Also, the Internet of Things technology optimizes your business operations by generating customized consumer insights based on their activity or preferences.


  • Influence of the Internet of Things (IoT) 

With the trending digital innovations, the Internet of Things (IoT) has completely transformed the way we live. Once observe your surroundings you will see the exciting application and boom of IoT technology for consumers which includes fitness trackers, refrigerators, air quality monitoring, logistics management, indoor sensors, connected security cameras, and smart locks. 

Hence, IoT has a great impact on changing lives and transforming the workplace because it saves time and optimizes workflows with accurate analytics and inventory management that helps in maintaining workplace security. 


How will the Internet of Things technology change our lives?

IoT services enhance business performance with cost-effective methods. It has made our life easier enabling smooth automation and integration which has revolutionalized old business plans into smarter and more valuable business models. 



Furthermore, IoT technology has the potential to shape our future to drive meaningful results with self-adapting features to create new innovative methods for entrepreneurs.  

Fixdax works with IoT industry experts to enhance your business efficiency & deliver exceptional results. 

IT architecture consulting, IT consulting services, IT Consulting Business, IT consulting company, IT consulting companies, IT consulting, business analytics consulting, Business analytics consulting services

The Complete Guide to Starting an IT Consulting Business

Technology has revolutionised the world in every aspect of life, and businesses are no exception. Today’s organisations increasingly rely on technology to achieve their goals, streamline operations, and increase productivity. However, with the ever-evolving world of technology, businesses often face challenges in optimising their IT infrastructure to keep up with the latest trends, advancements, and changes in the industry. This is where IT consulting services come into play.


In today’s fast-paced business world, IT consulting has become a critical element in ensuring the success of any organisation. Companies need to keep up with the latest technology trends, increase efficiency and reduce costs, and they need expert guidance to achieve these goals. IT consulting services provide businesses with the knowledge, expertise, and guidance they need to optimise their IT architecture consulting, make informed decisions, and stay ahead of the competition.


What is IT Consulting?


IT consulting is a service that offers specialised advice and recommendations to businesses to help them optimise their IT infrastructure, align their technology with their business goals, and increase efficiency. IT consulting services are designed to provide businesses with expert guidance on effectively leveraging technology to improve their operations and meet their objectives.

An IT consulting company can be broad or specialized, and the scope of services offered can vary depending on the consultant’s expertise and the organization’s needs. Some common areas that IT consulting companies specialize in include:

  1. IT Strategy and Planning
  2. IT Architecture and Design
  3. Cybersecurity and Risk Management
  4. Cloud Computing
  5. Infrastructure Optimization
  6. Software Development and Integration

IT consulting services can be offered as a one-time engagement or an ongoing partnership. Consultants work closely with the organization’s management and IT teams to understand their objectives, identify their pain points, and develop a comprehensive IT roadmap that aligns with their business goals.


IT consultants are typically experts in their field with years of experience in the industry. As a result, they bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table, which can help businesses make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes. In addition, IT consultants are often up-to-date on the latest technology trends and advancements and can help organizations stay ahead of the curve.


Starting an IT Consulting Business:


Starting an IT consulting company can be a lucrative and rewarding career path for those with a passion for technology and a desire to help businesses boost their IT infrastructure with business analytics consulting.


Here is a step-by-step guide on how to start an IT consulting business:
Step 1: Determine Your Niche

The first step in starting an IT consulting company is determining your expertise. IT consulting services can be broad or specialized, and the scope of services offered can vary depending on the consultant’s expertise and the organization’s needs. Some common areas that IT consulting firms specialize in include IT Strategy and Planning, IT Architecture Consulting and Design, Cybersecurity and Risk Management, Cloud Computing, Infrastructure Optimization, and Software Development and Integration.


Identifying your niche based on your skills, experience, and interest is essential. Specializing in a particular area can help you stand out and position yourself as an expert.


Step 2: Develop Your Business Plan


Once you have identified your niche, it’s time to develop your business plan. Your business plan should outline your goals, target market, pricing strategy, marketing plan, and financial projections. A well-written business plan can help you secure funding, attract clients, and focus on your goals.


Step 3: Establish Your Legal Structure


The next step is to establish your legal structure. For example, you can show your business as a sole proprietorship, partnership, or LLC. Each legal structure has advantages and disadvantages, so it’s essential to research and choose the one that best suits your needs.


Step 4: Register Your Business


Once you have established your legal structure, you must register your business with the appropriate authorities. It includes registering your business name, obtaining any necessary permits or licenses, and registering for taxes. The requirements may vary depending on your location, so it’s essential to research and comply with all the necessary regulations.


Step 5: Set up Your Office and Equipment


Now it’s time to set up your office and equipment. Depending on the scope of business analytics consulting services you plan to offer, you may need specialized equipment, such as servers, networking equipment, and software. You’ll also need a dedicated workspace and the necessary office equipment, such as a computer, phone, and internet connection.


Step 6: Build Your Network


Building a network is critical for the success of your IT consulting business. Attend industry events, connect with other professionals in your field, and join relevant online forums and groups. Networking can help you build relationships with potential clients, learn about new opportunities, and stay up-to-date with industry trends.


Step 7: Market Your Services


Marketing is essential for getting your IT consulting company off the ground. Develop a marketing plan that includes social media, email marketing, content marketing, and paid advertising. In addition, consider offering free consultations or workshops to attract potential clients and showcase your expertise.


Step 8: Deliver Exceptional Service


Delivering exceptional service is crucial for building a successful IT consulting business. Focus on understanding your client’s needs and providing tailored solutions that meet their goals. Communicate, set expectations, and be responsive to their needs. Providing exceptional service can lead to repeat business, referrals, and positive reviews.


Step 9: Scale Your Business


As your IT consulting business grows, you may need additional staff or subcontractors to meet the demand. You may also need to expand your service offerings or explore new markets. Staying focused on your goals and continuing to provide exceptional service as you scale your business is essential.


How Business Analytics Consulting Benefits A Company:

Business Analytics Consulting

Businesses can benefit significantly from business analytics consulting services in today’s data-driven world. Business analytics consulting involves data analysis, statistical modelling, and other techniques to help companies make better-informed decisions. Here are some of the ways that business analytics consulting can benefit a company:


  • Improved Decision Making


One of the most significant benefits of business analytics consulting is improved decision-making. Analytics consulting provides businesses with data-driven insights and recommendations to help them make informed decisions. By analysing data from various sources, companies can identify trends, patterns, and correlations that may not be immediately apparent, leading to better decision-making and increased profitability.


  • Cost Savings


Business analytics consulting services can help businesses identify cost-saving opportunities by analyzing their operations and identifying areas where they can cut costs without sacrificing quality. By identifying inefficiencies and waste, companies can optimize their processes, streamline operations, and reduce costs.


  • Competitive Advantage


Business analytics consulting can provide businesses with a competitive advantage by helping them identify opportunities for growth and innovation. By analyzing market trends, consumer behavior, and competitor activity, companies can develop strategies to stay ahead of the competition and differentiate themselves in the marketplace.


  • Improved Customer Insights


Business analytics consulting can help businesses better understand their customers and their needs. By analyzing customer data, companies can identify patterns and preferences that can help them tailor their products and services to meet the needs of their target audience. As a result, it can lead to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and repeat business.


  • Enhanced Risk Management


Business analytics consulting can help businesses identify potential risks and develop mitigation strategies. By analyzing data and identifying potential risks, companies can develop contingency plans and implement risk management strategies to minimize the impact of unforeseen events.


Niches To Consider


As an IT consulting company, choosing a niche can help you establish yourself as an expert in a particular area and differentiate yourself from competitors. Here are some niches to consider:


1. Cybersecurity Consulting:

With the increasing threat of cyber attacks, cybersecurity consulting is becoming an essential service for businesses. Cybersecurity consulting involves assessing a company’s security vulnerabilities and developing strategies to prevent and mitigate cyber-attacks.

2. Cloud Computing Consulting:

The Cloud computing is becoming increasingly popular among businesses looking to streamline operations and reduce costs. Cloud computing consulting involves helping businesses migrate their data and applications to cloud-based platforms and advising them on the best practices for managing their cloud environment.

3. Data Analytics Consulting:

With the vast amounts of data businesses generate, data analytics consulting is becoming a critical service for businesses looking to make informed decisions. Data analytics consulting involves analyzing a company’s data to identify patterns, trends, and insights that can inform business strategies.

4. Digital Transformation Consulting:

Digital transformation consulting involves helping businesses transition to digital technologies to improve their operations and customer experiences. It includes everything from developing digital strategies and roadmaps to implementing new technologies and training employees on new systems.


Read Also: How to Start an IT Consulting Business – Small Business Trends




IT consulting services have become an essential element for businesses looking to enhance their IT infrastructure, align their technology with their business goals, and increase efficiency. Starting an IT consulting company can be a lucrative and rewarding career path for those with a passion for technology and a desire to help businesses succeed.


Starting an IT consulting business requires careful planning, research, and execution. Following the steps outlined in this guide, you can set yourself up for success and build a thriving IT consulting business that helps businesses achieve their goals. Remember to stay focused on your niche, deliver exceptional service, and continue to learn and grow as the industry evolves.




Operational Support

How to Succeed with Operational Support?         

Running a successful business requires more than just a great product or service. It would be best to have practical operational support to ensure everything runs smoothly. Without operational support, you run the risk of missed deadlines, unhappy customers, and decreased productivity. This blog post will explore what operational support is and how you can succeed with it.

What is Operational Support?

Operational support refers to the activities and services necessary to keep a business running smoothly. These activities may include IT support, customer service, and logistics management. The goal of business operational support is to ensure that all aspects of a business are working together seamlessly to achieve the company’s objectives.

Operational support can be divided into two broad categories: internal and external. Internal operational support refers to the activities and services provided within a company. For example, it may include IT support, human resources, accounting, and administration. External operational support, on the other hand, refers to the activities and services that third-party vendors or contractors provide. For example, it may include logistics, marketing, and customer service.

Why is Operational Support Important?

Operational support services are essential for the success of any business. Here are some of the reasons why:



Why is Operational Support Important


  • Improves Efficiency: Operational support helps businesses run more efficiently by streamlining processes and reducing bottlenecks. It can result in cost savings and increased productivity.
  • Enhances Customer Satisfaction: Businesses can improve customer satisfaction by providing timely and effective operational support. In addition, it can increase loyalty, repeat business, and positive word-of-mouth advertising.
  • Facilitates Growth: As businesses grow, their operational needs become more complex. Operational support services can help manage this growth by providing the necessary services and infrastructure to support expansion.
  • Ensures Compliance: Many businesses operate in heavily regulated industries. Business operational support can help ensure compliance with regulations by providing the necessary documentation, reporting, and monitoring.

Read Also: The Ultimate Guide to Operational Support

How to Succeed with Operational Support?

Now that we understand what operational support is and why it is essential let’s explore how enterprises can succeed with operational support:

1. Make the Most of Your Expert Reps:

One of the keys to succeeding with operational support is to make the most of your expert reps. These individuals within your organization have specialized knowledge and expertise in areas such as IT, marketing, logistics, and customer service.

Here are some benefits of leveraging your expert reps:

  • Expert reps can help solve complex problems more efficiently and effectively.
  • Their specialized knowledge and experience can help identify root causes and develop targeted solutions.
  • As a result, businesses can reduce the time and resources required to solve problems or complete tasks.
  • In addition, improved customer satisfaction levels can increase loyalty and repeat business.

2. Use the Sales Aids and advice:

Another tip for succeeding with operational support is to use the right sales aids and advice. These are the tools and resources provided to sales teams to help them sell more effectively.

Here are some benefits of using the right sales aids and advice:

  1. The right tools and resources allow sales reps to work hard to sell more effectively.
  2. As a result, it can lead to increased revenue and profitability.
  3. In addition, providing sales reps with the necessary training and support can make them feel more confident in their selling ability.
  4. It can lead to increased motivation and engagement.
  5. It can enhance customer experience.
  6. When sales reps can provide relevant and targeted advice to customers, it can lead to a more pronounced customer experience.
  7. It can result in increased loyalty and positive word-of-mouth advertising.

3. Don’t Approach Training Alone:

One of the most critical aspects of operational support services is training. Ensuring employees are trained to use the systems and processes in place is essential. However, it can be challenging to develop and deliver effective training programs. It is where having a reliable supply partner can be beneficial. A reliable supply partner can provide training materials, conduct training sessions, and provide ongoing support to train employees properly.

Benefits of Having a Reliable Supply Partner:

  • Saves time and resources that would otherwise be spent on developing training materials and conducting training sessions
  • Ensures that training is delivered consistently across the organization
  • Provides access to expertise and resources that may not be available internally
  • Offers ongoing support to ensure that employees are using the systems and processes effectively
  1. Take Help from Technology:

Another essential tip for succeeding with business operational support is to take help from technology. Many software tools and systems can be used to streamline processes and improve efficiency. For example, customer relationship management (CRM) software can help manage customer interactions, while project management tools can help manage complex projects.

Benefits of Using Technology:

  • Improves efficiency by automating repetitive tasks and reducing errors
  • Provides real-time data and insights that can be used to make informed decisions
  • Enhances collaboration and communication across teams and departments
  • Enables businesses to scale more effectively by providing the necessary infrastructure to support growth
  1. Adopt Exam Tools:

Another way to succeed with operational support is to adopt the right tools. Various tools are available to businesses, including project management software, customer relationship management (CRM) software, and supply chain management software. Companies can improve their operational efficiency and effectiveness by choosing the right tools.

Benefits of Using the Right Operational Support Tools:

  • Improved efficiency and productivity
  • Increased accuracy and reduced errors
  • Better collaboration and communication
  • Streamlined processes and reduced bottlenecks
  • Access to real-time data for better decision making
  1. Increase Customer Portfolio with Marketing:

Marketing is another critical aspect of operational support. By developing a solid marketing strategy, businesses can increase their customer portfolio and improve their bottom line. It may include social media marketing, content marketing, and email marketing.

Benefits of Good Marketing Support:

  1. Increased brand awareness and recognition
  2. Improved customer engagement and loyalty
  3. Increased website traffic and lead generation
  4. Improved conversion rates and sales
  5. A better understanding of customer needs and preferences
  6. Practice the Operational Support Services:

Finally, practicing operational support services is essential for succeeding with operational support. It involves putting theory into practice and ensuring that all activities are carried out effectively and efficiently.

Benefits of Putting Theory into Practice:

  1. Improved employee skills and knowledge
  2. Reduced errors and improved accuracy
  3. Improved customer satisfaction and loyalty
  4. Better alignment with company goals and objectives
  5. Improved operational efficiency and effectiveness

Tips for Effective Business Operational Support

Tips for Effective Business Operational Support

Practical business operational support refers to the efficient and effective management of various operational activities within a business. It involves ensuring that all a company’s internal and external processes and services are optimized to enhance productivity, increase profitability, and improve customer satisfaction.

Effective business operational support ensures that a business can operate efficiently and effectively while delivering quality products and services to its customers. Some tips for implementing effective operational support services include:

  • Develop a Clear Strategy: The first step in succeeding with operational support is to develop a clear strategy. This strategy should outline the goals and objectives of the business, as well as the specific operational support services required to achieve them. Companies can ensure that all stakeholders are aligned and working towards the same objectives by having a clear strategy.
  • Identify Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Once a clear strategy is in place, it is vital to identify key performance indicators (KPIs) that will be used to measure the success of the operational support services. These KPIs should be specific, measurable, and aligned with the business objectives.
  • Train Your Staff: Training your staff is another critical aspect of operational support. By providing your employees with the necessary training and resources, you can ensure they have the skills and knowledge to carry out their responsibilities effectively. In addition, it can increase efficiency, reduce errors, and improve customer satisfaction.
  • Implement Automation: Automation is an essential tool for businesses looking to improve their operational support. Companies can free up their employees to focus on more strategic activities by automating repetitive tasks. It can lead to increased productivity, reduced costs, and improved accuracy.
  • Outsourcing Non-Core Activities: Outsourcing non-core activities can also help businesses succeed with operational support. By outsourcing activities such as accounting, HR, or IT support, companies can free up their internal resources to focus on core activities. As a result, it can lead to increased efficiency, reduced costs, and improved quality of service.


In conclusion, operational support is essential to running a successful business. It encompasses a range of activities and services necessary to keep a business running smoothly and efficiently. Operational support can be divided into internal and external categories, each critical in achieving a company’s objectives.

Several key tips for succeeding with operational support include developing a clear strategy, training your staff, implementing automation, outsourcing non-core activities, adopting the right tools, and practicing your operational support services. By following these tips, businesses can improve their operational efficiency, enhance customer satisfaction, and increase their bottom line.

Ultimately, a business’s success relies on its operational support’s effectiveness. Companies can achieve their goals and remain competitive in today’s rapidly changing marketplace by recognizing the importance of operational support services and investing in the necessary resources and infrastructure.

Remember, operational support is not a one-time task but an ongoing process that requires constant evaluation and improvement. By investing in operational support, you are investing in the long-term success of your business.

IT Consulting Business

How to Start an IT Consulting Business – Small Business Trends

In today’s world, technology plays a vital role in the success of businesses. It has transformed how companies operate, and it has become a critical component of any IT Consulting business strategy. Whether it is managing customer data, developing software applications, or improving internal processes, IT has the potential to drive growth and improve efficiency.

As a result, IT consulting has emerged as a highly sought-after service in the business world. An IT consulting company provides expertise in various technology areas, including hardware, software, networking, cybersecurity, and cloud computing. This blog will discuss how to start an IT consulting business, its roles and responsibilities, and why small businesses need IT consulting.

Current Small Business Trends

Small businesses are the backbone of the economy, accounting for over 99% of all businesses in the United States. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, small businesses have demonstrated resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity. In addition, many small businesses have embraced digital transformation, leveraging technology to streamline operations, reach new customers, and remain competitive.

According to a recent survey by SCORE, a nonprofit association dedicated to helping small businesses, 64% of small businesses have increased their use of technology since the pandemic began. Furthermore, small businesses are investing in cybersecurity and business analytics consulting services, with 78% reporting that they have taken steps to protect their data and systems.

What is IT Consulting?

IT consulting entails giving businesses expert guidance on how to use technology to achieve their strategic goals. A company that offers IT consulting services aid businesses in locating and implementing technology solutions that meet their specific requirements and challenges. Strategic planning, project management, software development, network design and implementation, cybersecurity, and cloud computing are all examples of IT consulting services.

Experts in their field, IT architecture consultants are well-versed in the most recent technology trends and best practices.

They work closely with clients to understand their business goals and objectives and develop customized technology solutions that drive growth and improve efficiency.

Roles and Responsibilities of IT Consulting Business

You will be responsible for various roles and responsibilities as an IT consulting business owner. Some of the critical roles and responsibilities include the following:

IT Consulting Business

  • Developing and maintaining client relationships: IT consultants work closely with clients to understand their needs and provide customized solutions. They build strong relationships with your clients to ensure their satisfaction and loyalty.


  • Project management: IT consulting manages IT projects from start to finish. It includes defining project scope, creating project plans, managing budgets and timelines, and ensuring project deliverables are met.


  • Technical expertise: An IT consulting company provides expert advice and guidance on various technology solutions. One must stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends and best practices to provide the most effective solutions to your clients.


  • Business development: As a small business owner, you will be responsible for developing and implementing a business development strategy to attract new clients and grow your business. It may include attending networking events, developing marketing materials, and leveraging social media to promote your business.


  • Financial management: As a small business owner, you will be responsible for managing the financial aspects of your business. It includes creating and managing budgets, invoicing clients, and operating cash flow.

How to Start an IT Consulting Business

Starting an IT consulting business can be a lucrative and rewarding venture for those with the right skills and experience. Here are six essential steps to get your IT consulting company up and running:


  1.  Identify your niche: The first step in starting an IT consulting business is to identify your niche. Determine what services you want to offer and what makes you stand out from other IT consulting businesses. For example, are you specializing in cloud computing, cybersecurity, providing business analytics consulting services, or software development? Whatever your niche, it is essential to have a clear focus and expertise in a particular area.
  2. Name your business and determine your brand design: Once you have identified your niche, it’s time to name your business and assess your brand design. Your business name should be memorable, easy to spell, and related to your niche. A strong brand design includes a logo, color scheme, and visual identity that represents your business and resonates with your target audience. Consider hiring a professional designer to create a brand design that stands out and reflects your business’s values and mission.
  3. Carry out thorough market research:  Conducting thorough market research is essential to understand your services’ competition and market demand. Start by identifying your target market and their needs, preferences, and pain points. Next, research your competitors’ pricing strategies, services offered, and marketing techniques. Finally, analyze your niche’s current trends and innovations and identify potential opportunities and threats. This research will help you develop a pricing strategy that is competitive and sustainable and determine the best marketing channels to reach your target audience.
  4. Promote your business:  Promoting your IT consulting business is essential to attracting new clients and growing your business. Developing a marketing strategy that includes creating a website, developing marketing materials, and attending networking events. Here are some ways to promote your IT consulting business:
  5. 5Create a website:  A website is essential for establishing an online presence and showcasing your services. Ensure your website is user-friendly, mobile-responsive, and optimized for search engines
  6. Develop marketing materials: Develop marketing materials such as business cards, brochures, and flyers highlighting your services, expertise, and unique value proposition.
  7. Attend networking events: Attend networking events and conferences to meet potential clients and partners and build relationships with other professionals in your niche.
  8. Use social media marketing: Social media is a powerful tool for promoting your IT consulting business. Develop a social media strategy that includes creating a LinkedIn profile, posting regular updates, and engaging with your followers. Here are some tips for using social media to promote your IT consulting business:
  9.  Create a LinkedIn profile: LinkedIn is a professional networking platform that allows you to showcase your expertise, connect with other professionals, and promote your services.
    Post regular updates: Post updates about your services, industry news, and relevant content that resonates with your target audience.
  10. Engage with your followers: Engage with your followers by responding to comments and messages and participating in relevant discussions.
  11. Pay attention to networking: Networking is essential to growing your IT consulting business. Attend networking events, join professional organizations, and connect with other IT consultants to build your network and develop relationships with potential clients. Here are some networking tips:
  12. Attend networking events: Attend local networking events and conferences to meet potential clients and partners and build relationships with other professionals in your niche.
    Join professional organizations: Join professional organizations in your niche to stay up-to-date on industry trends, connect with other professionals, and access resources and training.
  13. Connect with other IT consultants: Connect with other IT consulting companies to share best practices, collaborate on projects, and refer clients to each other.

Starting an IT consulting business requires careful planning, execution, and dedication. Following these essential steps, you can start and grow a successful IT consulting company that provides valuable services to small businesses. Remember to stay up-to-date on the latest technology trends, continuously develop your skills and expertise, and always strive to exceed your client’s expectations. With hard work, persistence, and a passion for technology, you can build a successful IT architecture consulting business that thrives in today’s competitive market.

Why Small Businesses Need IT Consulting:

Why Small Businesses Need IT Consulting

Small businesses face unique challenges when leveraging technology to achieve their strategic objectives. Unfortunately, many small businesses need more resources and expertise to develop and implement effective technology solutions. IT consulting businesses can provide valuable guidance and support to small businesses, helping them improve their operations, reduce costs, and drive growth.

Here are some of the reasons why small businesses need IT consulting:

  • Strategic planning: An IT consulting company can help small businesses develop and implement strategic technology plans that align with their business goals and objectives. It includes identifying areas where technology can improve efficiency and productivity and developing strategies to implement technology solutions that drive growth.


  • Cybersecurity: Small businesses are increasingly vulnerable to cyber threats, and many lack the resources to implement adequate cybersecurity measures. IT architecture consulting businesses can provide guidance and support in developing cybersecurity strategies and implementing solutions to protect sensitive data and systems.


  • Technical expertise: IT consulting businesses provide expert advice and guidance on various technology solutions. Small businesses can benefit from the technical expertise of IT consultants and their business analytics consulting services to deeply understand the latest technology trends and best practices.


  • Cost savings: IT consulting businesses can help small enterprises to reduce costs by identifying areas where technology can improve efficiency and productivity. It includes developing plans to implement technology solutions that automate processes, streamline operations, and reduce overhead costs.

Read Also: The ultimate guide to operational support


Starting an IT consulting company requires careful planning, execution, and dedication. IT consulting businesses provide valuable guidance and support to small businesses, helping them improve their operations, reduce costs, and drive growth. As an IT consultant, you will be responsible for various roles and responsibilities, including project management, technical expertise, and business development. Following the steps outlined in this blog, you can start and grow a successful IT consulting business providing valuable services to small businesses.

The Ultimate Guide to Operational Support        

The Ultimate Guide to Operational Support        


Customer support is the backbone of any business, and providing top-notch support to customers is crucial for success. Likewise, operational support is vital in ensuring customers are satisfied, and the business runs smoothly. Operational support encompasses a range of activities and processes designed to improve the customer experience and ensure the efficient running of business operations.

This blog will discuss the meaning of operational support, the roles and responsibilities of an operational support team, the advantages of business operations support, how to ensure the best operational support services, and the tools used in business operations support.

What Is The Meaning of Operational Support?

Operational support is a critical component of any business that focuses on ensuring that the business’s day-to-day operations run smoothly and efficiently. It encompasses a broad range of activities and functions designed to support the business’s core operations, from providing customer support to managing systems and infrastructure.

At its core, operational support is all about ensuring that the business can operate effectively and efficiently without interruptions or delays. It involves ensuring that systems are running smoothly, that employees have the tools and resources they need to do their jobs effectively, and that customers receive the support they need to be satisfied with the business’s products or services.

Operational support can take many forms, depending on the business’s specific needs. For example, it may involve managing a help desk to provide customer support services, monitoring and maintaining critical systems and infrastructure, or providing training and development to employees to ensure they have the skills they need to perform their jobs effectively.

Overall, the goal of operational support is to ensure that the business can operate effectively and efficiently, with minimal downtime, errors, or other disruptions. As a result, companies can improve customer satisfaction, increase efficiency, and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace by providing high-quality operational support services.

What Are The Roles And Responsibilities Of the Operational Support Team?

The operational support team is responsible for ensuring that a business’s operations run smoothly and efficiently. The team’s roles and responsibilities can vary depending on the size of the company and the specific operational needs. However, some typical roles and responsibilities of an operational support team include the following:

What Are The Roles And Responsibilities Of the Operational Support Team

  • Customer Support: The operational support team is responsible for providing customer support services. It can include responding to customer inquiries, resolving customer complaints, and ensuring customer satisfaction.
  • Incident Management: The operational support team manages incidents that can impact the business’s operations. It can include system outages, network failures, and other issues impacting the business’s ability to operate.
  • System Maintenance: The operational support team is responsible for maintaining the systems and infrastructure that are critical to the business’s operations. It can include performing routine maintenance, installing updates and patches, and troubleshooting issues.
  • Process Improvement: The operational support team is responsible for identifying areas for improvement and implementing changes to improve efficiency and effectiveness. It can involve analyzing business processes, identifying bottlenecks, and implementing solutions to streamline operations.
  • Training and Development: The operational support team trains and develops employees on operational processes and procedures. It can include training on new systems, updating training materials, and ensuring employees have the necessary skills to perform their jobs effectively.
  • Security Management: The operational support team is accountable for ensuring the security of the business’s systems and data. It can include implementing security measures such as firewalls, antivirus software, and encryption, monitoring security breaches, and responding to security incidents.
  • Performance Monitoring: The operational support team has the role of monitoring the performance of the business’s systems and infrastructure. It can include tracking system uptime, response times, and other performance metrics to ensure systems operate at peak efficiency.

Advantages Of Business Operations Support:

Business operations support provides several advantages to businesses. Some of the key benefits of business operations support include the following:

  1. Improved Customer Experience: Operational support plays a critical role in improving the customer experience. Businesses can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty by providing timely and practical support.
  2. Increased Efficiency: Operational support can help businesses improve their efficiency and productivity by streamlining processes, reducing downtime, and minimizing errors.
  3. Competitive Advantage: Businesses that provide high-quality operational support services can gain a competitive advantage. By providing better service, businesses can differentiate themselves in the marketplace and attract more customers.
  4. Better Decision Making: Business operational support can provide the data and insights they need to make informed decisions. By analyzing operational data, businesses can identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions.
  5. Cost Savings: Operational support can help businesses save costs by reducing downtime, minimizing errors, and improving efficiency. By optimizing operations, companies can reduce the cost of operations and improve profitability.
  6. Increased Flexibility: Operational support can help businesses become more flexible and adaptable to changing business needs. By optimizing processes and systems, companies can more easily adjust to changes in the marketplace and respond to new challenges.
  7. Improved Collaboration: Operational support can facilitate collaboration between different departments and teams within a business. By providing a central hub for operational data and processes, operational support teams can help teams work together more effectively and efficiently.

In summary, operational support plays a vital role in ensuring that businesses run smoothly and efficiently. By providing practical customer support, incident management, system maintenance, process improvement, and training and development, operational support teams can contribute to the success of any business.

Additionally, businesses can leverage tools such as knowledge management systems, automation, surveys, data analytics, and project management tools to optimize their operational support services and gain a competitive advantage.

How To Ensure The Best Operational Support Services:

Businesses must focus on several key areas to ensure the best operational support services. These include optimizing processes and systems, building a skilled and dedicated team, and leveraging technology to automate and streamline workflows.

Optimizing processes and systems is one of the first steps in ensuring the best operational support services. It involves reviewing existing processes and identifying areas for improvement, such as streamlining workflows or reducing redundant tasks. By optimizing processes, businesses can improve efficiency and reduce errors, leading to increased customer satisfaction and a better overall customer experience. Other tips for building and scaling efficient operational support include the following:

How To Ensure The Best Operational Support Services (1)

  • Define Goals: The business should define its goals for operational support. These goals should be aligned with the overall business strategy and objectives.
  • Identify Areas of Improvement: The operational support team should identify areas of improvement and develop a plan to address these areas.
  • Use Technology: Businesses can use technology such as automation, knowledge management systems, and surveys to improve operational support services.
  • Hire The Right People: The operational support team should comprise individuals with the right skills and experience to ensure efficient and effective operations.
  • Continuously Monitor And Improve: The business should constantly monitor and improve operational support services to ensure that they are meeting the needs of customers and the company.

Ultimately, ensuring the best operational support services requires a combination of process optimization, skilled employees, and technology. Businesses can improve efficiency, reduce errors, and provide a better overall customer experience by focusing on these areas.

Tools Used In Business Operations Support:

To provide effective business operational support, enterprises can use a variety of tools. Some of the most common tools used in business operations support are:

  1. Knowledge Management System: A knowledge management system is a software tool that helps businesses capture, organize, and share information. It provides a centralized location for storing and sharing knowledge, which employees can access to improve operational support services.
  2. Automation: Automation involves using software tools to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks. It can include tasks such as data entry, scheduling, and reporting. By automating these tasks, businesses can free up employees to focus on more complex and higher-value activities.
  3. Surveys: Surveys are a valuable tool for gathering feedback from customers and employees. Businesses can use surveys to gather input on operational support services, identify areas for improvement, and track progress over time.
  4. Data Analytics: Data analytics involves using software tools to analyze large amounts of data to identify trends and patterns. Businesses can use data analytics to identify areas for improvement, optimize business processes, and make data-driven decisions.
  5. Project Management Tools: Project management tools manage projects, tasks, and workflows. They provide a centralized location for tracking progress, managing tasks, and collaborating with team members. In addition, it can improve communication and ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget.


Operational support is critical in ensuring that businesses run smoothly and efficiently. By improving the customer experience, increasing efficiency, and providing a competitive advantage, operational support can contribute to the success of any business.

To ensure and scale reliable operational support services, businesses can use various tools, such as knowledge management systems, automation, surveys, data analytics, and project management tools. In addition, by continuously monitoring and improving operational support services, businesses can ensure that they are meeting the needs of customers and the industry.


IoT Application Development company

Know the top 10 advanced IoT Application Development Ideas

IoT (the internet of things) is the most trending application these days, opening doors for businesses in every domain. As a result, various business owners are joining hands with the latest IoT applications to increase revenue and set their own mark in their market. Moreover, these applications are also becoming essential to meet the changing business needs and solve daunting challenges that business owners might face.

Due to the increasing demand for this technology, you would require assistance from an IoT application development company. These companies study all the factors to figure out your requirements and give you the IoT application development platform that would help your business grow in one way or the other. If you still need to think about collaborating with an IoT development company to help your business grow, do it now, as the scope of this technology will continue to evolve with time.

Scope of IoT in the future

The proliferation of IT devices and the digitization of all business operations have made way for the growth of IoT services. There is a network of physical objects connected together that share data over the internet through sensors or software tools. If you go by the stats, there will be countless projects in the near future that will need IoT applications for smoother operation. Moreover, the use is not restricted to a single domain. IoT is fruitful in every sector, be it SMART healthcare, power distribution, waste management, or any other business sector. So, let us dig deeper and discuss the top 10 advanced IoT application development ideas that can actually help your business grow.

Top 10 advanced IoT Application Development Ideas

Top 10 advanced IoT application development ideas

Smart City

It started with the metro cities, but now every other town and city is on the way to becoming functionally better. These cities have devices at varied locations that work with internet connectivity. Residents or people visiting the place would use mobile applications to avail the smart city features. These apps help keep a keen eye on traffic updates and monitor other significant activities occurring around the city. The inclination towards making the cities digitally smart is so much that almost every entrepreneur has started showing interest in IoT application development.

Smart Homes

Like cities, smart homes are also gaining popularity with each passing day. Builders use the features like smart locks and likewise to sell their properties, and the buyers also invest in them because of the added security they get. The IoT development services include managing the lights, locks, and even the appliances inside the home with mobile apps. Technology has evolved so much that you can even turn your taps on and off through your phone. These features are in-demand and have become a unique selling point for properties. So, entrepreneurs are keen on expanding their business in the IoT domain to cater to the real estate industry. It will open the doors for better opportunities and help establish a fruitful and long-lasting business.

Self Drive Cars

Gone are the days when self-driving cars used to be a dream! However, it is very much the thing of the present, and the technology has already come into action that supports the self-driving feature. With the help of IoT, a computer system gets installed in the car that gathers data from the sensors installed at different spots of the vehicle. Using this information, you can monitor location, fuel level, and multiple other aspects through a mobile app. In the near future, every buyer will prefer buying a self-drive car, which is a good enough reason to invest and become an internet of things development company. Soon, the automobile sector will be your biggest client!

Farming Industry

Many activities and significant farming-related decisions can get convenient because of the IoT application development platform. The data they provide help make decisions like when is the right time to grow or harvest the crop, detect the soil nutrients and figure out the moisture concentration. All this information helps make significant farming-related decisions to ensure better crop development. As the government has started showing interest in the digitization of the agriculture field, this domain is definitely the best IoT application development idea!

Tourism & Hospitality

This technology has a lot of potential to optimize the hospitality industry. The most significant benefit is that it can help automate many tasks, reducing the requirement for manual labor. This way, you can gain monetary benefits, as you wouldn’t have to pay the salaries and provide infrastructural facilities to the staff. Additionally, you can save yourself from the potential troubles that might arise while managing the staff members. For example, there are mobile apps through which guests can order their food or call for room service. So, if you are in the tourism or hospitality sector, know that an internet of things Development Company can help in multiple ways.

Retail Industry

Like farming, tourism, and other industries, people working in retail can benefit significantly from IoT development platforms. The significant benefits include providing a better user experience by allowing customers to pay themselves through the self-checkout counters in the stores. Furthermore, the data you can gather through IoT applications can help plan offers, discounts, and other things that improve consumer engagement. A retailer can also check the purchase pattern of the consumer to verify which products or items in the store are the best-selling and which business aspects need immediate attention. If you ensure reliable IoT development services, growth in your revenue charts is assured.

IoT for Health Monitoring

Smartwatches are famous examples of IoT development applications that help monitor your health. You just have to wear the band on your wrist, and it tells you about your blood pressure, heart rate, steps you walked in a day, and many more details. Of course, all this is possible only through IoT applications, as the sensors attached to these devices gather data through your skin! As people are more health conscious these days, the dale for such devices is on the rise, which signifies that the future of IoT is promising.

In Energy Sector

Every segment of the energy sector, including production, distribution, and transmission, requires smart energy solutions. The IoT applications help in grid optimization, effective energy distribution, remote tracking, and many more aspects that make the functioning of the energy sector smoother and much more convenient. Any business person in the energy domain can find a one-stop solution in IoT applications to carefully and fruitfully manage their energy operations.

For Supply Chain

As many business owners have switched their operations online, logistics and e-commerce has got their newfound identity. The most significant aspect is logistics. For this, they have to ensure a smoother supply chain. You have to focus on speed, careful delivery, and sync in the demand and supply, and in all this, IoT applications can help a lot. As this demand for smoother logistics and supply chain management would be consistent, entrepreneurs are inclined to invest in this domain. If your strategy and planning are apt, rest assured that growth will definitely follow.

Transportation & Mobility

The transport sector can enjoy multiple benefits of IoT applications, including fleet management, telematics, and traffic management, and the list never ends. Numerous companies across the globe are already using IoT platforms to cater to the needs of their transport clients. If you also have an inclination towards this technology, know there is a lot of scope in this sector. Create a list of services, like vehicle diagnostic, driver monitoring, and likewise, that you can cover and use to build a reliable company providing IoT development services.

There is a never-ending list of other fields where IoT can prove its significance. So, whichever domain you work in, it is significant to get in touch with a reliable IoT application development company that can help you design a productive strategy incorporating IoT application development ideas aptly.

IoT is the future technology you will need for growth and development. You only have to understand which aspect of your business can benefit from this technology and appoint the best teams for proper implementation and assured success. The decision to choose a team needs to be apt because the decisions they make decide the future of your business. IoT Application Development Ideas.

Mobile Game Development Cost

How Much Does Mobile Game Development Cost?

The digital era in which we all live has turned everything into a smartphone app. You can do almost everything through mobile apps, from shopping to paying your utility bills. The exciting part is that fun and leisure have turned digital these days. People prefer playing games on their smartphones, and every famous mobile game development company work tirelessly to take the gaming experience to the next level.

You can find plethora of game options these days, catering to the interests of gaming enthusiasts. There are games for people of all age groups, giving an excellent virtual reality experience. The increasing demand for mobile games has led to the establishment of countless companies specifically for mobile game development. They have a team of experts with tons of ideas about new games. It is an expensive job, as you would require coders, programmers, UI designers and many other experts that provide mobile game development services. Let us dig deeper and discuss how much it would cost to avail of the game development services.

Factors determining the cost of mobile game development :

mobile game development

There are countless mobile games available in the market with different interfaces, functionalities and complexities. While mobile games for kids are fundamental, and it wouldn’t take more funds to create them, the ones for adults are elaborate and require huge capital. Some of the factors that determine the cost of a mobile gaming app are listed below.

Platform Used

The most significant aspect that decides the cost of the gaming app is the platform you choose to develop them. Some of the popular options are android, IOS and windows, out of which you have to decide the one you prefer. The ideal way of choosing the platform is to identify your audiences first, and know what mobile platform they use. If your target audiences are android users, you would have to go for an android app and likewise for IOS and windows users. As far as the pricing is concerned, an IOS app is costlier than an android.

Game Layout

The layout or the user interface you use for your mobile game also determine its cost. For example, if there are no characters or multiple screens involved in the game, you wouldn’t have to spare more funds for game development. However, the development cost would be considerably high for all mobile games that include animated characters and multiple layouts. If your game involves a change in scenarios, levels, background and other aspects of the visual appeal, be ready to pay higher remuneration.

Complexities or Levels

Games these days don’t just end that easily! You keep entering different levels, and it becomes a never-ending thing. Even a simple game has hundreds of game levels, and the audiences stay glued to them until they complete all of them. The wow factor is that the game keeps getting challenging as you level up, making it challenging to reach the last level. Moreover, the game developers keep adding more steps, and the engagement never ends. To develop any such game that has multiple levels, any company providing mobile game development services would take a surprisingly high amount! Additionally, if you wish to keep upgrading the game, the development cost would not be one time.

Development Time

At the end of the day, the experts always charge for the time they give to develop the mobile game for you. You obviously wouldn’t pay much if the game is ready within a few days or a month. However, the final pricing would be super high for games that take several months or a year before the end users can play them. As mentioned in the step above, if you require constant developments and upgrades, consider the continued maintenance cost that would follow.

Changes Involved

When the client changes the final requirement sheet, any company providing the game development services will increase the invoice value. The cost increases because it requires additional effort to accommodate the changes you give, and the team would also need to do resource management from scratch. So, the team would charge for all these efforts, which would be applicable every time you give additional change.

Any game development company would decide the final cost depending on these factors. When you check the breakdown of the invoice generated by your hired mobile game development company, you will find these in the tasks done section for which the company takes the remuneration.

Cost of Mobile Game Development :

Cost of Mobile Game Development

If you have a requirement for a game, the idea about the mobile game development cost below can help!

Mini Games

To develop games that don’t have multiple levels fall in the category of mini-games. These games do not have complicated visuals or animations, so you wouldn’t need thorough expertise or much effort to develop them. Hence, you can get these games developed within a price range of 5 to 8 Lacs. However, if you have specific requirements in your mini-games, you may have to pay close to 10 lacs. The company you choose to hire will help you determine the final cost.

2D Games

Games like red ball and hitman sniper come in the category of simple 2D games. Though the gameplay of these games is limited, you would get a better storyline and exciting sound effects. The experience is enjoyable and better than the simple mini-games, and that obviously comes at a price! You would have to pay somewhere between 8 to 10 Lacs for the 2D games. Even if your requirements are elaborate and require additional effort, you wouldn’t have to pay more than 12 Lacs for these games.

Mid-Level Games

As you level up, there come mid-level games that have multiple levels and storylines. You will find various characters in these games, and the experience obviously gets better. These games require profound expertise for development, much more resources and consistent efforts. You would have to pay somewhere between 20 to 30 Lacs for these games, depending on your specific requirements and expectations from the game under question. Moreover, the price would keep increasing if you want to keep adding levels and improve the visual appeal. Some of the best examples of these games are Angry birds and Candy crush.

High-End 3D Games

Moving on, you have high-end games with advanced levels which are elaborate, have multiple levels and provide an excellent gaming experience. The games that fall in this category are PUBG and call of duty. So, if you have a similar game development requirement, know that only the expert teams can help you with this. So, choose a mobile game development company with proficient experts and an excellent market reputation. Coming to the pricing, you would have to pay somewhere between 100M to 250M to develop these games. Additionally, you would need continuous help from a maintenance team, which would be an additional cost.

Real Money Games

Another category of games that you might be interested in is the ones that involve money. If you have played online casino games or rummy, you know there is real money involved for which you have to go for a payment gateway. Moreover, these games require additional security, for which you would have to pay more! Any team you choose would charge somewhere between 10M to 12M. However, only the team you hire can give you a better idea about the cost of such games, as it depends on the features you wish to add.

These categories pretty much cover every mobile game you can possibly ask for. The ideal way to figure out the cost is to sit with the experts of your preferred game development company and discuss your requirements with them in detail. They will analyse all the aspects and give you the final amount you would have to pay for the game.

Though cost plays a significant role in deciding who you want to hire for mobile game development, you should prefer quality over price. Never compromise with the type of team you choose only to save some money. Take quotes from the best market experts, and compare them considering the quality they provide and the market reputation they hold. Choose the team carefully, and you will get the best mobile game that your audiences will love.